Hi, I’m Megan!
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Speaking Tips
This course was formerly hosted on Skillshare. If you're interested in taking it, contact me. (Course cost $20).
How Megan Can
Megan has a wide variety of exercises to help you improve your public speaking skills.
How to
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Get in touch with me and book a private session!
About me
Megan believes that every presentation is a performance. That is why she draws on her extensive background in performing, writing and directing comedy to help her clients. Don’t worry, she has no desire whatsoever to turn you into a stand-up comedian. Her goal is to teach you tried-and-true performance techniques that will, in turn, make you a more dynamic presenter. Whether you’re participating in a panel, giving an All-Hands, or appearing on TV, Megan can help you keep your audience engaged. Remember: you can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can’t convince people to listen to you, no one will ever hear it.
Check out this article to get a sense of the work Megan did with one of her clients.
Megan's clients include:
Why Hire Megan as your Coach?
When you present at the best of your ability, you'll feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself feels.... great!
Megan will give you insider secrets to keep your audiences engaged and actively listening.
The most persuasive people are not necessarily those with the best ideas, but those who can best present their ideas.
Most people would choose death over public speaking, but Megan promises: you'll actually have fun working together!
Book a one-on-one coaching session
Have an important speech coming up? Book a one-on-one session and Megan will help bring out your personal best!